CU Women’s Boxing Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up to be a member?
We require that everyone comes to one of our Intro Sessions before joining regular weekly classes. You can sign up for a Group Intro for $5, or we are offering 45 min 1-on-1 private Intro Sessions for $50.  You can book your session by going to https://cuwbgsessions.setmore.com/

When are your Intro Classes?
Intro Session dates are typically posted on the 15th of each month, around 9 AM.

How do I sign up for an Intro Class?
We have a booking page that allows you to sign up once classes are made available.  (Approximately 9 A.M. on the 15th of each month).  There is a non-refundable, non-transferable $5 fee when signing up. https://cuwbgsessions.setmore.com/

There are two ways to reach our booking page:

Click the “Intro Sign Up Page” link on the bottom of our website.
Go to the website: https://cuwbgintrosessions.setmore.com/

Please note:
If you go to our booking page and it states “Currently, no classes available” then either new intro classes have not been posted or current intro classes are already full.  Do NOT book a members only class – this is not the same as an Intro.
You MUST book through this page. We no longer accept any sign ups through email/Facebook.

Why do I have to take an Intro Class?
The Intro Class is time that is specifically set aside for you to learn technique. Proper technique will help you avoid injury and give you a strong foundation for learning more advanced techniques later. The Intro Class is a great place to do this, because everyone else there is in the same boat as you – everyone is learning what you are learning. Unlike regular classes, this is time specifically carved out to focus solely on the basics. Once you are in regular classes, we will still go over the basics from time to time, but regular classes are NOT set up to focus in on those basics – you will get the most out of classes when you already have the basic knowledge of form and technique.
Once you start regular classes, you will also get the most out of those classes because we are focusing on other things – the coach will not have to divide their time between those who are brand new and those who already know the basics because everyone will have a basic knowledge of the moves.

I have done martial arts/ MMA/turbokick/kickboxing/taebo before – can I skip the intro?
While we typically require that even those with experience take the Intro Session, you are welcome to email us with your past experience to discuss this.

When can I start?
Once you’ve attended an Intro Class, you can start *whenever you’d like! You’ll need to go online and reserve your spot in whatever class you want to start at, and you can bring your membership form into your first session.  We do ask that you come to your first class with some memory of what you learned at the Intro.  The majority of class time is for the workout, and we are not able to spend much of class repeating the Intro information for individuals.  *Intro sessions expire after 6 weeks.  If you do not sign up for classes within 6 weeks, we ask that you re-take an intro so things can be fresh in your mind.

What kind of memberships do you offer?
All of our Memberships are MONTHLY MEMBERSHIPS. This means that whichever number of sessions you choose, you have the month (30/31 days) to get those sessions in. Sessions left over after 30 days do not roll over into the next month. Your membership starts on the 1st of the month (You can start at CUWB any day, we will pro-rate your first month).

Our Monthly Membership Prices are

4x/month — $52
6x/month – $63
8x/month — $75
10x/month – $83
12x/month — $88
Unlimited classes/month — $95

Membership is on AutoPay, so your card will automatically be charged the same time each month. You can freeze, cancel, or upgrade your account at any time, with a 5 days notice to our membership email. If less than 5 days, we cannot guarantee you will not be charged that month.

Can I pay via chase pay, pay pal, cash, or check?

What are your ages?
We currently take 18 years old and up.

Why haven’t we done any kicks yet?
We are a boxing gym, we do not offer kickboxing.

What do I need to bring? Do I need my own gloves?
No, you do not need to bring your own gloves or hand wraps – all you need to bring is your workout clothes and a water bottle. You will get a free pair of hand wraps to keep at your first members class.  You may find that once you start, you’d prefer to have your own gloves. If you want help deciding what to purchase, check out our blog on Gloves and Hand Wraps.  We sanitize and clean all gloves between uses.  We have extra wraps available to borrow or purchase if you forget yours.

Do you have showers?

Will I get hit?
No, all of our classes are non-contact.  You will still get a crazy good workout hitting the bag though!

Do you offer gift cards?
No, not currently.  If you know someone boxing at our gym, you can pay for their next month, or we are happy to recommend gloves and wraps as gift ideas for members as well.

I have a health issue – can I still box?
That depends on the issue. At CUWB, you are encouraged to go at your own pace and to modify anything we are doing when you need to. Be sure to let the coach know of any health issues that you have so you can discuss if boxing is right for you and any modifications you may need. It is always recommended that you ask your doctor if boxing is right for you.

Can I bring my child to class if they sit quietly?
Unfortunately, no. We are a small gym and do not currently have the space or atmosphere for children to sit and watch.

Do you offer classes for kids?
At this time, all of our classes are for women 18 years old and up, but we will likely have a class for younger ages during the summer, so stay tuned!

What is a class like?
Every day is a little different. Some days, we will be doing a lot of bag drills and cardio. Some days we will focus more on technique. Some days will be heavy on conditioning legs, arms, or core. Whatever the workout, though – you can always count on getting to hit the bag at some point, and doing push ups at some point 🙂

Do you have punch cards?
No. Our membership is a MONTHLY membership based on how many sessions you think you will attend that month. If you do not get all of your sessions in, they do not roll over into the next month. We focus on different moves and techniques each week, and the most beneficial way to join our classes is to try to be consistent, not to jump in and out throughout several months.

How do I pay?
When you sign up for membership, you will fill out a form with your card information.  This card will be charged with your monthly membership automatically each month, until you notify us that you’d like to make a change to your membership.

What if I want to change my membership?
Let us know, at least 5 days before payment is due, and we can change your membership for the next month.

If I want to buy my own gloves, what should I look for?
Please see our post on recommendations for gloves and wraps, and feel free to message us if you still have questions!